Sugar, PCOS, Insulin Resistance, Glycation

In this video learn about ayurved's perception on the use of sugar, including the primary causes of sugar imbalance, common imbalance/disease types caused by abnormal sugar consumption and their treatments.  

3 of the most common sugar imbalance disease I see in my practice are: glycation (premature aging), candidas (abnormal growth of a naturally occurring yeast in the body) and metabolic disease/insulin resistance (PCOS, diabetes & thyroid disease)

When we consume carbohydrates, weather a steamed potato or a candy bar, our blood sugar spikes.  To bring blood sugar back to normal, the pancreas pumps insulin into the bloodstream.  When we continuously cause blood sugar to spike through our food choices, the pancreas goes into overdrive shooting too much insulin into the bloodstream.  Now blood sugar drops too low, and our adrenal “fight or flight” hormones are called in by the hypothalamus.  The adrenal glands recognize low blood sugar as a threat and send hormones out to boost it, but these hormones are used for crisis situations and so in response we experience stress.

Chronic low or high blood sugars are gateways to diabetes.  Dysglycemia, a condition in which the body loses the ability to keep blood sugar stable.  Many folks in our modern world are on the verge of full blown diabetes, and often unbeknownst to them, are suffering from very real blood sugar imbalance.  Dysglycemia and its effects on adrenal function are at the threshold of many health conditions including: diabetes, weakened digestion, inflammation in the gut, adrenal exhaustion, hormonal imbalances, weight gain, and inability to properly detoxify the body to name a few.  

In Ayurveda, C. albicans is called Krumi, “parasite,” and therefore, treated as a parasitic infection. Systemic C. albicans infection is the result of several years of inappropriate lifestyle and inflicting behavior, and seldom the result of recent choices.  Currently Candidas overgrowth is the fourth most prominent bloodstream infection in the United States.  It takes time to grow in the body, and therefore, can be time consuming to eradicate.  Like many gut imbalances, C. albicans manifests when a pathogenic opportunity is coupled with weakened immunity, due to inadequate gut flora. C. albicans is heavily linked to pharmaceuticals that decrease gut flora such as antibiotics, muscle relaxants, painkillers, acne medications, and oral birth control pills. Poor diet, such as processed foods, caffeine and alcohol, destroys beneficial gut bacteria without replenishing beneficial bacteria.