Make a Quantum Leap Forward Eliminating Work & Relationship Burnout With Expert Coaching.

How many of the following elements sound like you?…

  • you are recovering from a toxic relationship (again).

  • you're a people pleaser, saver, or rescuer attracted to narcissistic or emotionally unavailable partners.

  • your relationships are hurting you mentally, physically, emotionally, or financially.

  • you're afraid to date because you don't trust yourself.

  • you've become hyper-independent. You don't need anyone. 

  • you date down. Most of your partners are long-term projects and fixer-uppers. 

  • you want to resolve this, but you need to know how.

If these things resonate with you, then Path Of The Sun Coaching Program has been created to help transform all that.

How To Work With Me

I work with women who are ready to recover from toxic relationship patterns. If you are ready to take responsibility for your life, go deep, lead with your heart, and inspired to take action you could be a good candidate for my coaching program. This is work, and I see it as my responsibility to not let you sidestep, taking responsibility for what you are creating in your life. For this reason, I can only accept TRULY-ready clients.  Please note that my coaching program requires a financial investment in your transformation.

Our work is intimate, and both of our time and energy are sacred. Therefore, please do not apply if you are not ready to begin work straight away. In order to apply to work with me you MUST watch my FREE masterclass! There is an application at the end. After I review your application, and if I believe we are an aligned match, we can move forward with your coaching program with me.